Approach & Values
My seven-step process is designed to take you, your team or your organization on an empowering journey of change.
We have three zones of learning: comfort, stretch, and panic. We don’t learn or flourish in comfort or panic. In order to take on something new, we have to let go of the old and be willing to experiment with new ways of seeing or doing. This is our “stretch zone”-when you’re close to your edge, a little uncomfortable, alive and awake. This where growth happens.
Live Authentically: long-term
Be true to yourself. How we draw on and integrate our many roles is an ongoing challenge and an opportunity to achieve greater authenticity and satisfaction.
Hear your inner voice. Learning how to listen to your head, heart, and gut is key to making decisions—big and small—that work in the long term.
Build Energy
Your body greatly impacts your capacity. As a leader, you can only be as effective as your body allows. You need to manage your energy, just as you manage your time.
Your environment impacts you. Since we respond to our environment, it’s important to notice how our surroundings support us. Getting outside is crucial, as is creating a comfortable home and workspaces. Even your clothing creates a micro-environment that influences how you feel.
Reach Toward Life Balance
Make time for work and time for play. On the balance beam of life, there are very few moments of complete “balance”; often it’s about making small corrections (or big ones if you fall off). Balance doesn’t look the same for everyone, but if we listen in, we can know what we need.
Deepen Connections
You are an integral part of your community—both locally and globally. We have a responsibility to affirm the value of all life.
Spirituality is part of the human experience. The more we’re up to in life, the more we need a grounded foundation. Cultivating our spiritual self in whatever form that means for you, seeing the interconnection of life, and living a life of meaning, is essential.
Cultivate Presence
Live life awake. We can only be grateful, see beauty, and make a different choice when we are present to the moments in our days. Cultivating presence is an ongoing practice, with the reward of a richer, and more fulfilling life experience.